Lviv JavaClub [Event 256] Testcontainers
Review #Testcontainers for #Java is a Java library that supports #JUnit tests, providing lightweight, throwaway instances of common databases, #Selenium web browsers, or anything else that can run in a #Docker container. by Ihor Banadiga @ibanadiga Java Software Engineer @ Capgemini Engineering https://www.linkedin.com/in/ihorbanadiga/
Code from the event: https://github.com/lvivJavaClub/testcontainers
Event details: https://www.javaclub.lviv.ua/2023/01/16/Event-256-Testcontainers.html
- 00:00 – intro
- 08:20 #Testcontainers with #JUnit4
- 10:50 #Testcontainers with #JUnit5 Jupiter
- 12:35 #Testcontainers with #JUnit5 and #Spring boot application
- 14:00 #DynamicPropertySource for #Spring boot application
- 17:27 #Testcontainers with #dockercompose
- 22:15 #Testcontainers with #Selenium and #E2E testing
- 27:30 QA and debug session
- 50:30 – join us #javaclub